Monday, February 23, 2009


Today is my wifes Brithday, She is in North Carolina with one of the boys, daughter in law, and Grandkids but she will be home tomorrow.. I hope you had a Great Day and I miss you cant wait to see her.. For 20.00 bucks I will tell u how young she is, you are 25 right baby..


Glenda, saved by grace said...

no baby . I'm 26 this year..............
Thank you
Gracias Mi Amor. Te amo mucho mucho mas.Asta manana

Mamaw 28 said...

What I want to know is HOW CAN YOU BE 26 when you have a childen that are nearly 26, 28 & 32??????? What came 1st the chicken or the egg!!

Carol said...

Such a sweet hubby, Rudy to write a blog post to your wife on her birthday.

Hope it was a good one, Glender!